Uttarakhand Takes Historic Leap with Uniform Civil Code Bill 2024

India 2024
7 February, 2024

The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill 2024 introduced by the Uttarakhand government represents a significant step towards legal uniformity within the state. This legislative move seeks to implement a uniform set of civil laws applicable to all citizens, irrespective of their religion, except for tribal communities. Such a step is aligned with the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) national agenda and fulfills a promise made in its 2022 assembly election manifesto.

Key Provisions of the UCC Bill 2024

The UCC Bill 2024 encompasses several critical provisions aimed at ensuring equality and removing disparities in civil laws governing marriage, divorce, inheritance, and property rights:

  • Ban on Polygamy and Child Marriage: It introduces a complete ban on polygamy and child marriage across all religions, aiming to establish uniform marriageable age standards and divorce procedures for all citizens​​.
  • Equal Property Rights: The bill ensures equal rights in property for both sons and daughters, eliminating the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children regarding property rights. It provides equal treatment for children adopted, born through surrogacy, or born through assisted reproductive technology​​.
  • Uniform Marriage and Divorce Laws: The legislation defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, requiring compulsory registration of marriages and divorces. It sets the minimum age for marriage at 21 for males and 18 for females​​.
  • Respect for Religious Customs: While aiming for legal uniformity, the proposed legislation ensures respect for religious customs. It introduces penalties for practices like triple talaq, aligning with previous legal reforms aimed at protecting women’s rights within marriage​​.

Legal and Sociopolitical Context

The introduction of the UCC Bill 2024 in Uttarakhand is a landmark development that could set a precedent for other states, particularly those governed by the BJP. This initiative aligns with the party’s long-standing goal of establishing a common civil code across India, a move that has been debated for decades regarding its implications on religious freedom and cultural diversity.

The bill’s passage could have far-reaching implications for India’s legal system, potentially influencing future legal reforms in other states. It represents a balance between respecting religious customs and ensuring that civil laws governing essential aspects of citizens’ lives are uniform and equitable.

In conclusion, the UCC Bill 2024 is a bold step towards legal uniformity and equality. By addressing long-standing issues such as polygamy, child marriage, and inequality in property rights, the Uttarakhand government aims to create a more equitable legal framework that transcends religious and cultural boundaries. However, the bill’s impact and effectiveness will ultimately depend on its implementation and the response from various communities within the state.

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India 2024
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