Alexa for Business

Have you thought about using Alexa at office ? Yes, you can, and in innovative ways. Some of the uses as Amazon gives are:

Alexa can help you manage your calendar with Alexa Smart Scheduling Assistant, keep track of your to-do list, and set reminders. Alexa can automatically dial into your conference calls and make phone calls for you. Alexa can help quickly find information for you, like the latest sales data, or the inventory levels in your warehouse. You can control conferencing systems, check room availability, and book rooms with just your voice. Alexa for Business integrates with popular video conferencing devices, room control systems, meeting room scheduling solutions, and calendar systems.

By building your own custom Alexa skills, you can easily voice-enable your workplace, and let Alexa help with common everyday tasks. Using your custom Alexa skills, Alexa can provide directions, find an open meeting room, order new supplies, report building problems, or notify IT of an equipment issue. Alexa can also provide important information, like inventory levels, and help with on-the-job training.

Alexa Devices: Echo Dot , Echo Show , Echo Auto for your car

For more info: Alexa FAQs

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