Latest Hydro Energy News Aug'21

13 September, 2021

Latest Hydro Energy News from around the world: 

  1. Second Largest Hydropower Plant:  When the project’s 16 generating units are completed by July 2022 as slated, the 16-GW Baihetan will become the second-largest hydropower facility in the world after the giant 22.5-GW Three Gorges Dam. The 16-GW Baihetan hydropower plant features 1-GW hydropower turbines.
  2. Tamil Nadu, India: Tamil Nadu hopes to exceed the hydro power generation target fixed by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for 2021-22 which was 3,853 million units. During 2020-21, the total hydro power generation was 4,040 million units and the share of hydro power is 5% of the present total power availability.
  3. Hydropower and drought: Department of Water Resources (CDWR), California shut down the 644-MW Edward Hyatt Power Plant—the fourth-largest energy producer of all California’s hydroelectric facilities due to drought conditions.
  4. Smart Hydropower tech: There is high demand for new smart control systems, battery-hybrids and variable-speed turbines among other technologies.
  5. Small Hydro ally for rural communities: Technology developed by Idaho National Laboratory (INL) can be used to support smaller, regional hydropower plants that normally wouldn’t have the capability to black start and operate as an islanded grid.
  6. Pumped storage batteries: It was US National Hydropower Day on August 24, and hence here are 10 reasons why Water batteries are important like it can fill energy gaps on cloudy and still days, making sure clean energy is still reliable energy.
  7. Integration of Battery storage with Hydropower:RWE is developing two large battery energy projects – the Lingen project, 45MW and the Werne project, 72MW. Once complete in 2022, the projects will be virtually coupled with RWE’s run-of-river hydropower stations. By raising or decreasing the flow-through at these power stations, RWE can make additional capacity available, also as balancing energy. This coupling process raises the total capacity of the batteries by 15%, according to a statement. The energy from the batteries will be used to provide frequency regulation within the main grid.
24 February, 2024

Byju’s, once heralded as a flagship in India’s edtech sector, is grappling with severe financial and operational challenges, marked by a dramatic valuation drop. The company, which sought to stabilize its operations and finances, is now raising funds at a valuation significantly lower than its peak. This development comes amid efforts to address a substantial debt burden, with Byju’s proposing a repayment plan for its $1.2 billion loan. Investor confidence appears shaken, with some stakeholders pushing for drastic changes in leadership to navigate the crisis effectively. The turmoil reflects broader sectoral pressures and raises questions about the sustainability of high-growth trajectories in the edtech industry

10 February, 2024

Australia’s energy market is witnessing significant transitions and investments aimed at bolstering renewable energy infrastructure and securing gas supplies. Key developments include a $179 million investment by the Queensland Government for community battery projects, Santos’ $5.7 billion gas pipeline project following a legal battle win, and a $206 million energy savings package for NSW households. Additionally, the Australian government has secured new gas supply deals to support the east coast market, emphasizing the role of gas in transitioning to a renewable grid.

India 2024
9 February, 2024

The latest opinion polls, including the Mood of the Nation survey by India Today, predict a comfortable victory for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s BJP and its allies in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), with a projected win of 335 Lok Sabha seats in the 2024 general elections. This forecast suggests a slight decrease from the 2019 elections but still ensures a majority. The survey, involving interviews with over 149,000 respondents, reflects Modi’s enduring popularity based on his nationalist policies and economic reforms. Other polls echo these findings, although seat projections vary slightly. The opposition INDIA alliance is expected to secure a significant number of seats, yet not enough to challenge the NDA’s majority. These predictions highlight a political landscape that remains largely favorable to Modi and the BJP as the election approaches