Raise one’s level of consciousness by an average of 35 points

Power vs. Force represents only a beginning exploration of the method’s potential to enhance our knowledge in all of the arts and sciences. Perhaps most important is its promise as an aid in spiritual growth and maturation to the most advanced levels of consciousness, even enlightenment itself.

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I got to know about this book from another book  “Richer,Wiser,Happier”, in  which  Mohnish  Pabrai  recommends  this  book.

“A thorough absorption of the material presented in this book has been shown to be able to raise one’s level of consciousness by an average of 35 points. Since the progression of consciousness during the average human lifetime on this earth is only five points, such an increase in individual awareness is an enormous benefit in and of itself. And, as advanced theoretical physics and nonlinear dynamics have shown, any individual increase also raises the consciousness of everyone on the planet to some degree.”


Power vs Force is written by Dr David Hawkins, an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher, lecturer whose interests included the philosophy of science, mathematics, economics, childhood science education, and ethics. In this book he has talked about consciousness, and divided all humans on a scale of 1-1000. ( Avatars like Sri Krishna at 1000, geniuses like Einstein at 499, and 85 % population below 200 )

Koko—the famous simian resident of the Primate Research Institute, who has worked for some years with a psychologist and developed a sophisticated sign language vocabulary—is truthful, affectionate, intelligent, and trustworthy; her integrity calibrates at 250. Thus, one is safer with Koko, a gorilla, than with 85 percent of the humans on the planet.

One avatar like Sri Krishna can counter balance whole of human negativity. So some of us should try to increase our consciousness level, and as this book claims that it can raise the level by 35 points, its a good beginning.

We’ve established that consciousness is capable of discerning any change of energy to a degree of log 10?. This means that there is no possible event in the entire universe that isn’t detectable by the exquisite sensitivity of consciousness itself. The energy of human thought, though minute, is nonetheless absolutely measurable. A thought that emanates from the 100 level of consciousness will typically measure between log 10–800 million to 10–700 million microwatts. On the other hand, a loving thought at the consciousness level of 500 measures approximately log 10–35 million microwatts. Although only 15 percent of the world’s population is above the critical consciousness level of 200, the collective power of that 15 percent has the weight to counterbalance the negativity of the remaining 85 percent of the world’s people. Because the scale of power advances logarithmically, a single avatar at a consciousness level of 1,000 can, in fact, totally counterbalance the collective negativity of all of mankind.

There are so many truths in this book, and it’s difficult to get it in first go. The person writing the book is at higher level than may be 90 % of human population, so certainly one should go through it more than once.

Although we ascribe our actions to reason, man in fact operates primarily out of pattern recognition; the logical arrangement of data serves mainly to enhance a pattern-recognition system that then becomes “truth.”2 But nothing is ever “true,” except under certain circumstances, and then only from a particular viewpoint, characteristically unstated.

The most powerful thought in this book I found in this book is below, which is also in Bhagavad Gita, and is very helpful in meditation. Do go through this book, if you too are trying to get to higher levels of consciousness

One has to be compassionate toward everything, including one’s own self and thoughts. Next came a willingness to hold desires in abeyance and surrender personal will at every moment. As each thought, feeling, longing, or deed was surrendered to God, the mind became increasingly silent. At first, I turned over entire stories and paragraphs in my mind, then ideas and concepts. As one lets go of the desire to own these thoughts, they no longer reach such elaboration, and begin to fragment while only half-formed. Finally, it was possible to turn over the energy behind thought itself, before it even became thought.