Idea Almanac

Daily update on new ideas and books so that you can grow each day

November 3, 2021

Rule 23: Don’t Be an Employee in Your Business

If you are planning on starting a new business, take care not to spend too much time working as an employee in your business and not enough time as the business owner working on your business. This is the core message of the book, E-Myth, by Michael Gerber. As a new entrepreneur, you probably have a strong technical background in providing the specific service or product your company sells from your past work experiences, but you may lack experience in managing a business, which is what you need as an owner who runs the company that sells your product or service.

Excerpt From: Matthew Paulson. “40 Rules for Internet Business Success: Escape the 9 to 5, Do Work You Love, and Build a Profitable Online Business.”

November 2, 2021

Relevance refers to the quality of the messages you’re sending. It’s how you win attention, it creates the way your business is positioned in the minds of others, and it determines how the offer(s) you make to the market are received. Omnipresence is the strategic distribution of your message, brand, and marketing. When your audience feels like everywhere they look, there you are. Intimacy is the element of real, human connection in your marketing, and it’s the piece that I feel entrepreneurs miss the boat on the most. Nothing makes business happen and money move faster than trust. And the fastest way to build trust is through inviting others to share greater Intimacy with you.”

Excerpt From: Oldford, Scott. “The Nuclear Effect: The 6 Pillars of Building a 7+ Figure Online Business.”

November 1, 2021

One of my favorite quotes about that comes from Patanjali. He wrote in the second century BC: When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.


It’s a marvelous quote. Each word beautiful, every sentence poetic, and all of it true.

Excerpt From: John O’Leary. “On Fire.” – Amazon Link

October 31, 2021

“Look out there, Lenny. Ain’t those hills and valleys pretty?”
“Yeah George. Can we get a place over there when we get some money? Can we?”
George squinted. “Exactly where are you looking Lenny?”
Lenny pointed. “Right over there George. That local minimum.”

Excerpt From: Susskind, Leonard. “The Theoretical Minimum: What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics.”

October 30, 2021

The word geometry literally means “measurement of the Earth.” It’s ironic that had Euclid actually taken the trouble to measure triangles on the Earth’s surface, he would have discovered that Euclidean geometry doesn’t work. The reason is that the Earth’s surface is a sphere,2 not a plane. Spherical geometry certainly has points and angles, but it’s not so obvious that it has anything that we should call straight lines. Let’s see if we can make any sense out of the words “straight line on a sphere.”

Excerpt From: Leonard Susskind. “The Black Hole War.

October 29, 2021

In the same way, we also believe today that displacement in time will have no effect on physical laws. (That is, as far as we know today—all of these things are as far as we know today!) That means that if we build a certain apparatus and start it at a certain time, say on Thursday at 10:00 A.M., and then build the same apparatus and start it, say, three days later in the same condition, the two apparatuses will go through the same motions in exactly the same way as a function of time no matter what the starting time, provided again, of course, that the relevant features of the environment are also modified appropriately in time. That symmetry means, of course, that if one bought General Motors stock three months ago, the same thing would happen to it if he bought it now!

Excerpt From: Feynman, Richard Phillips. “Six Not-So-Easy Pieces. – Amazon Link

October 28, 2021

“Earlier, he had read a children’s book, Aaron David Bernstein’s Popular Books on Natural Science, that asks you to imagine racing alongside a telegraph wire. Instead, Einstein envisioned running along a light beam, which should look frozen. Racing neck and neck alongside the beam, the light waves should be stationary, he thought, as Newton might have predicted. But even as a sixteen-year-old boy, Einstein realized that no one had ever seen a frozen light beam before. Something was missing. He would ponder this question for the next ten years.”

Excerpt From: Michio Kaku. “The God Equation.” – Amazon Link

October 27, 2021

“The Egyptians had always had death, but with wealth and settlement, they now also had taxes. Taxes were perhaps the first imperative for the development of geometry, for although in theory the Pharaoh owned all land and possessions, in reality temples and even private individuals owned real estate. The government assessed land taxes based on the height of the year’s flood and the surface area of the holdings. Those who refused to pay might be beaten into submission on the spot by the police. Borrowing was possible but the interest rate was based on a “keep it simple” philosophy: 100 percent per year. Since much was at stake, the Egyptians developed fairly reliable, if tortuous, methods of calculating the area of a square, rectangle, and trapezoid.”

Excerpt From: Leonard Mlodinow. “Euclid’s Window.” – Amazon Link

October 26, 2021

“Dear Professor Susskino [sic],
Einstein made a bad mistake and I discovered it. I wrote to your friend Hawkins [sic] but he didn’t answer. Let me explain Einsteins’ [sic] mistake. Force equals mass times acceleration. So I push something with a constant force for a long time the acceleration is constant so if I do it long enough the velocity keeps increasing. I calculated that if I push a 220 pound (that’s my weight. I should probably go on a diet) person with a continuous force of 224.809 pounds in a horizontal direction, after a year he will be moving faster than the speed of light. All I used was Newtons’ [sic] equation F = MA. So Einstein was wrong since he said that nothing can move faster than light. I am hoping you will help me publish this as I am certain that the phycicist’s [sic] need to know it. I have a lot of money and I can pay you.”

Excerpt From: Leonard Susskind. “Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory.” – Amazon Link

October 25, 2021

It seemed like the answer to the question of whether people would pay for online tennis instruction was “No”—at least not at the volume to support Will and his business partner.
That was when Will discovered the Product Launch Formula. And since it was desperate times, Will leapt into action. He put his first launch together in just a few weeks. As he describes it now, that first launch had some rough edges. Will threw his prelaunch together quickly and used only the very basics of the formula. But as you’ll see in this chapter, even if you get only the core principles right, the results can be dramatic. That first launch did $35,000 in sales in a week’s time, which was as much as the business had made since they opened the doors ten months earlier.”

Excerpt From: Jeff Walker. “Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online – Amazon Link