Idea Almanac

Daily update on new ideas and books so that you can grow each day

April 13, 2022

“The basic premise of this infinite field is that it instantly recognizes truth. The infinite field of consciousness registers all that has ever happened throughout time. Every thought, every feeling, every movement, every action is recorded forever. There is no such thing as privacy. Everything radiates out an energy that can be read thousands of years later. We have access to all the information that exists within one second! It takes that long to discover any secret in the universe. To instantly know truth from falsehood is an incredible gift. To not know the difference between truth and falsehood has dragged humanity through endless wars, poverty, savageries, sickness, agonies, suffering, and death. ”

Excerpt From: David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. “The Map of Consciousness Explained.”

April 11, 2022

“Letting go is like the sudden cessation of an inner pressure or the dropping of a weight. It is accompanied by a sudden feeling of relief and lightness, with an increased happiness and freedom. It is an actual mechanism of the mind, and everyone has experienced it on occasion. A good example is the following. You are in the midst of an intense argument; you are angry and upset, when suddenly the whole thing strikes you as absurd and ridiculous. You start to laugh. The pressure is relieved. You come up from anger, fear, and feeling attacked to feeling suddenly free and happy.”

Excerpt From: David R. Hawkins. “Letting Go.”

April 8, 2022

“If I say cave, what is the number?
What word can you make with the number 98?
Now you can see that the number
3472 9401215 721110 is as easy as remembering
Do you now see how you can use this to remember any number?
You may be saying, “But now I have to remember a number and a word.” No, it is like learning how to read. In the beginning you really have to work hard to encode the information, but then it becomes easy ”

Excerpt From: Kevin Horsley. “Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive“.

April 7, 2022

I will give you practical guidance that you can begin using immediately to better communicate visually with data. We’ll cover content to help you learn and be comfortable employing six key lessons:

1. Understand the context

2. Choose an appropriate visual display

3. Eliminate clutter

4. Focus attention where you want it

5. Think like a designer

6. Tell a story


Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals

April 6, 2022

“All memory, whether trained or untrained, is based on association. But that’s stating it too simply. You will be taught many systems of association in this book, but it goes much deeper than that. You see, when people say, “I forgot,” they didn’t, usually—what really happened was that they didn’t remember in the first place. How can you forget something that you didn’t remember, originally? Turn that around, and you have the solution to remembering—if you do remember something originally, how can you forget it? That brings you to forcing yourself to remember originally. How can you do this? The simple systems of association you’ll learn here will do it for you, automatically!”

Excerpt From: Lorayne, Harry;Lucas, Jerry. “The Memory Book: The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play.”

April 5, 2022

“In their use of the powers of association and imagination, and their inherent logic, the Laws of Mind Mapping are a manifestation of the more general laws of good thinking. Just like the branches of a Mind Map spread into new areas, the Laws of Mind Mapping can be applied in an infinite variety of ways. They are always there as a map to guide you, and as a safety net ready to catch you, so turn to them, should you ever find yourself in need of encouragement or reassurance.”

Excerpt From: Tony Buzan. “Mind Map Mastery.”

April 4, 2022

“As we’ve seen, consciousness reacts decisively to the difference between truth and falsehood. You may instantly reconfirm this by stating your true age (let’s say that you’re 43 years old), “I am 43 years old,” and having someone press down on your extended arm. You’ll stay strong. Now say, “I am 45 years old,” and you’ll instantly go weak. Like a computer, consciousness simply answers 0 or 1, true or false. In all of these exercises, kinesiology reveals the hidden implicit order by making it explicit, disclosing its true nature. The use of the system is self-educative and self-directing. Each answer, it will be discovered, leads to the next question—happily, in an upward and beneficial direction. ”

Excerpt From: David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. “Power vs. Force.”

April 3, 2022

“So they worked hard to make every single player as good at Halo 3 as possible. Players shared tips and strategies with each other and organized round-the-clock “co-op,” or cooperative, campaign shifts. They called on every registered member of Halo online to pitch in: “This could be something big, but we will need YOU to get it done.” They treated their mission like an urgent duty. “We know we’ll be doing our part,” one game blog declared. “Will you?”
It’s no wonder London Telegraph reporter Sam Leith observed in his coverage of the Halo 3 community that “a big shift has taken place, in recent years, in the way video games are played. What was once generally a solitary activity is now . . . overwhelmingly a communal one.”

Excerpt From: McGonigal, Jane. “Reality Is Broken.”

April 1, 2022

A stock can only go down to zero¨ whereas it can theoretically go up to infinity. For example¨ it’s conceivable a Rs 20 stock can go up Rs30, but it can’t go down Rs 30. Downward movement has to stop when the stock reaches zero. Normal distribution does not account for this discrepancy, it assumes that the stock can move equally in either direction

The Options Playbook: Featuring 40 strategies for bulls, bears, rookies, all-stars and everyone in between

March 31, 2022

“Learning happens every day and everywhere. Humans are hardwired to classify experiences and assimilate knowledge. We can almost effortlessly learn a new recipe or memorize a bus schedule. That’s because the motivation is closely tied to the acquired skill or knowledge. The act of learning the recipe results in the satisfaction of a great meal, and learning a new bus schedule can reduce your wait times, so there is a clear line of sight between motivation and learning. But sometimes learning is harder, particularly when the gratification of accomplishment is delayed. Spending years in school to prepare for a career is a long, hard slog. Corporate training is often dry, boring, and not easily connected to employees’ goals. Whether it is formal education, corporate training, or informal learning, gamification can provide the path and add motivation to learning activities.”

Excerpt From: Burke, Brian. “Gamify : How Gamification Motivates People to Do Extraordinary Things.”