Consciousness reacts decisively to the difference between truth and falsehood

“As we’ve seen, consciousness reacts decisively to the difference between truth and falsehood. You may instantly reconfirm this by stating your true age (let’s say that you’re 43 years old), “I am 43 years old,” and having someone press down on your extended arm. You’ll stay strong. Now say, “I am 45 years old,” and you’ll instantly go weak. Like a computer, consciousness simply answers 0 or 1, true or false. In all of these exercises, kinesiology reveals the hidden implicit order by making it explicit, disclosing its true nature. The use of the system is self-educative and self-directing. Each answer, it will be discovered, leads to the next question—happily, in an upward and beneficial direction. ”

Excerpt From: David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. “Power vs. Force.”