Media reports do not miss any news of natural catastrophes

“Even people who take no particular steps to be well informed are routinely exposed to media reports of man-made and natural dangers and the risks of diets, diseases, and quotidian activities. The first category ranges from dreaded terrorist attacks to many manifestations of chemophobia (from pesticide residues in food to carcinogens in toys or carpets), and from asbestos hidden in walls and in baby powder to the planet being ruined by anthropogenic global warming.Media reports do not miss any news of natural catastrophes—including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and locusts—and in the background there are lasting worries about incurable cancers and unpredictable viruses, with recent concerns about SARS-CoV-1 and Ebola just mild previews of the anguish brought by the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic.”

Excerpt From: Vaclav Smil. “How the World Really Works.”