The Congolese Cobalt Mine: A Human Rights and Environmental Disaster

Cobalt Red is a searing exposé of the human rights abuses and environmental devastation caused by cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The book, by Siddharth Kara, documents the use of child labor, forced labor, and dangerous working conditions in cobalt mines, as well as the pollution of rivers and streams with cobalt waste.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Cobalt mining in the DRC is a major human rights and environmental catastrophe.
  • Children as young as 7 years old work in cobalt mines, often under dangerous conditions.
  • Cobalt mining is linked to the use of forced labor and child labor.
  • Cobalt mining pollutes rivers and streams, poisoning the environment and the people who live nearby.
  • The demand for cobalt in our electronics is fueling the exploitation of Congolese miners.