
Science and Technology News: 2.437 billion COVID Doses, Bridge between Android and Iphone, Transpiration by Trees, Wired headphones making comeback, Realworld metaverse Pokemon Go

Science and Technology News: 23 November 2021


Science and Technology News: Planetary Defense test, Superhot Ice, Measure Skyrmions, Translate text into Landscape images,

Science and Technology News: 22 November 2021


Science and Technology News: Dislikes on Youtube, NASA Mars Photo, TOLIMAN project to discover planets to support life, Elon Musk son X AE A-Xii, Airtags

Science and Technology News: 21 November 2021


Science and Technology News: The center of the Milky Way, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, Twitter support for AMP, Mysterious New Planet, Apple Car

Science and Technology News: 19 November 2021


Science and Technology News: Producing Grignard reagents, group of proteins in plant leaf cells, called CURT1, plays a much more important role in photosynthesis than once thought, Big Bang, NASA’s Perseverance,

Science and Technology News: 18 November 2021


Science and Technology News: Refurbished tech or new, Longest Lunar eclipse in 1000 years, Bumble dating app with metaverse, Smartwatches

Science and Technology News: 14 November 2021