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Hydrogen fuel cells, pivotal in the clean energy transition, come in various types like PEMFCs, SOFCs, AFCs, MCFCs, and PAFCs, each with unique characteristics and applications. Leading companies like Ballard Power Systems, Bloom Energy, Plug Power, and FuelCell Energy are at the forefront, offering innovative solutions for transportation, stationary power, and industrial applications.


There is growing interest in stock market in India due to falling interest rates in banks, and lack of other investing opportunities. Here are the 6 best investing books you should read before you start investing in stock market. From Art of Investing to Science of Investing, this list covers all you need to know.


Large oil companies cannot let go of their resources or natural gas. So they are pushing for blue hydrogen, so they can continue to pumping fossil fuels out of the ground for decades to come. China and Europe would compete on green hydrogen, however, most likely with solar domination; China would control the green hydrogen market. According to news, they have started investing in large scale electrolysers, which would reduce costs in say 10 years. Europe has offshore wind plus hydrogen, but that cannot be scaled around the world. Solar plus electrolyser is the way to go.


Many of us believe we have excess capacity in Indian power sector. We see the numbers – installed capacity of 377 GW and think peak load is only 183 GW, we have too much capacity. Capacity utilisation (PLF) is only 50-60 % for most coal power plants, so first let them get to higher capacity utilisation. But when we look in detail, there can be peak power deficit, and hence there can be blackouts in some regions.


How Coronavirus spread in India in relation to number of tests and leakage which led to herd immunity and rapid fall in number of cases. Was lockdown due to lack of medical facilities, or was done to stop the spread of virus ? These questions can be answered by one graph