What is strategy ?

February 9, 2024


Business strategy is crucial for corporate success, integrating an organization’s goals and actions to compete effectively. It focuses on creating value for customers, employees, and suppliers by answering three key questions. This involves strategic planning around product pricing, talent, and resource allocation, aiming for customer delight, increased margins, and supplier benefits. As markets evolve, strategies must adapt, moving beyond traditional models to more dynamic, value-focused approaches. This ensures strategies stay relevant and companies can swiftly respond to new challenges and opportunities.

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, strategy stands as a cornerstone of corporate success, weaving together an organization’s mission, objectives, and tactics to navigate the competitive terrain. This comprehensive approach not only positions a company within its market but also orchestrates its operational dynamics to foster sustainability, growth, and innovation. At its core, business strategy orchestrates a plan of action aimed at achieving long-term objectives, distinguishing a company from its competitors, and carving out a unique value proposition.

The essence of an effective business strategy lies in its ability to answer three pivotal questions: how a business can create value for its customers, for its employees, and through collaboration with suppliers. This tripartite approach underscores the necessity of a value-centric ethos, where the creation and delivery of value act as the linchpin for strategic decisions. By addressing customer needs, engaging employees, and optimizing supply chain relationships, organizations can enhance their competitive advantage and secure a fortified position in the market.

The notion of value creation is instrumental in strategy formulation, embodied by the concept of the ‘value stick’, which illustrates the relationship between a customer’s willingness to pay and the cost of goods or services. The objective of strategic initiatives is to widen the gap between these elements, maximizing value for customers, employees, and suppliers alike. This involves meticulous planning around product pricing, supplier selection, talent acquisition, and resource allocation, ensuring that every facet of the organization aligns with the overarching strategic vision.

Increasing customer delight, firm margin, and supplier surplus becomes a nuanced exercise in balancing the dynamics of cost, price, and value. Strategies aimed at enhancing customer willingness to pay, for instance, may involve sustainability efforts or market differentiation tactics that resonate with target demographics. Similarly, optimizing operational efficiencies to reduce costs directly impacts the firm’s margin, highlighting the financial acumen embedded in strategic planning.

However, the rapidly changing business environment necessitates a dynamic approach to strategy. Traditional strategic planning models, often criticized for their rigidity and inadequacy in addressing the fluidity of the 21st-century market, are being reevaluated. The call for a more immersive strategy-development approach emphasizes broader skills, wider engagement, and flexibility. Firms are encouraged to periodically re-create their strategies to respond to new competitors and market shifts, moving beyond mere planning to a more holistic engagement with strategic development.

This adaptive stance extends to the continuous recommitment to and refreshment of established strategies, ensuring they remain relevant and impactful. The strategic refresh process is particularly vital for organizations engaged in ongoing strategy dialogues, allowing them to address emerging challenges and opportunities proactively. This approach underscores the importance of reevaluating key assumptions and updating perspectives on long-term trends, ensuring that strategic planning remains a vibrant and responsive tool in the corporate arsenal.

Here’s a summary table that encapsulates the progression and application of strategic tools and concepts over time:

Era Tool/Framework Description
1950s-1960s SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) A method for assessing a company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, along with its external opportunities and threats.
1960s Experience Curve Suggests that unit production costs decline by a fixed percentage each time the total volume of production doubles, highlighting the importance of scale.
1970s BCG Matrix (Growth-Share Matrix) A portfolio planning tool that categorizes business units into four categories (Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, Dogs) based on market growth and market share.
1970s GE/McKinsey Matrix An advanced portfolio analysis tool that assesses business units based on industry attractiveness and competitive strength, using more complex criteria than the BCG Matrix.
1980s Porter’s Five Forces A framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry and its attractiveness, considering the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, and competitive rivalry.
1990s Value Net Model (Brandenburger and Nalebuff) Expands on Porter’s Five Forces by adding complementors as a fifth force, emphasizing the importance of cooperation, in addition to competition, in shaping strategy.

These tools and frameworks have significantly influenced how companies formulate their strategies, assess competitive landscapes, and make strategic decisions to achieve sustainable competitive advantages.

In conclusion, the multidimensional nature of business strategy, encompassing value creation, competitive differentiation, and adaptability, underscores its critical role in guiding organizations towards sustainable success. By fostering a culture of strategic thinking, companies can navigate the complexities of the market, anticipate future challenges, and seize opportunities with agility and precision. The journey of strategic planning, from concept to execution, demands a blend of creativity, analytical rigor, and an unwavering commitment to value creation, positioning strategy at the heart of business excellence.

All the consulting tools here Consulting Tools Strategic Analysis

Strategic questionnaire Strategic Thinking Questionnaire

Free ebook on Strategic management ebook on Strategic Management

Book Reviews: 

Book Review: Competitive Strategy by Michael E. Porter


Strategy Boffins Team

Strategy Boffins is building India's own strategic intelligence platform.


Harvard Business School Online (online.hbs.edu) discusses the fundamental aspects of business strategy, emphasizing the importance of creating value for various stakeholders and the strategic questions that guide successful business operations.
McKinsey (mckinsey.com) provides insights into the evolving nature of strategic planning in the 21st century, advocating for a more flexible, immersive approach to strategy development that responds to the dynamic business environment.


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PRINCE2: A structured, process-based project management framework with defined steps, roles, and responsibilities, mainly used in the UK and Europe.

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Steve Jobs revolutionized marketing with a customer-first approach, emphasizing simplicity and powerful storytelling. He integrated design with functionality, making products their own best advertisements. Jobs’ strategies, from anticipating customer needs to creating emotional connections through stories, provide lasting lessons on engaging and inspiring customers, underscoring his legacy in innovation and business strategy.