Economic Survey 2022 High Frequency Indicators – India



January 31, 2022


Economic Survey 2022 High Frequency Indicators – India – For better analysis of economy.


In News there is not enough information, it is biased, and it is incomplete. Here we give as it is information from Economic Survey for better analysis. This google sheet would be updated every year with enhancements. Economic Survey 2022 was released on 31st January 2022

High Frequency Indicators

  1. Power Consumption
  2. E-way bills (Volume)
  3. GST
  4. CPI
  5. CPI_Food
  6. CPI_Core*
  7. Rail Freight Traffic
  8. Port Cargo Traffic
  9. Domestic Air Traffic
  10. UPI (Volume)
  11. IIP General Index
  12. 8-Core Industries
  13. Domestic Tractor Sales
  14. Domestic Passenger Vehicles Sales
  15. Two Three Vehicle Sales
  16. 10 year G-Sec yield
  17. 10 year AAA Corporate Bond yield
  18. Average Crude Oil Price (Brent_Dubai_WTI)
  19. Indian Crude Oil Basket Price
  20. Baltic Dry Index
  21. Forex Reserves
  22. Sensex
  23. Nifty
  24. Nifty VIX
  25. Exchange Rate
  26. Net purchase (+)/sale (-) of US dollar
  27. Fuel Consumption
  28. M3
  29. Currency in Circulation
  30. Merchandise Exports
  31. Merchandise Imports
  32. EPF subscribers Net payroll addition
Strategy Boffins Team
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