World’s 2nd largest shale gas reserve

  • 573 km pipeline named Nestor Kirchner pipeline was completed from Patagonia to Buenos Aires. Vaca Muerta is the second largest shale gas reserve in the world. Companies are looking at feasibility of $ 10 bn LNG plant to export the gas  25 Jul’23
  • India is the world’s biggest rice exporter accounting for 40% of global exports
  • Rich Americans are now spending more on services than luxury goods. Europe is now full of American tourists.
  • Goldman reduced its forecast probability of a recession in the next year from 25 % to 20 %
  • Tightening of monetary policy – increasing interest rates to reduce economic activity and hence inflation
    • Quantitative tightening – reducing bond holdings, reducing size of their balance sheets by central banks
    • Bond buying in crises ( like COVID ) – selling in normal times preparing for next crises
    • Over tightening – may cause collapse of banks due to shortage of liquidity
  • Integration of businesses after acquisition – Processes, Corporate structure, IT, customer accounts ..
  • Inflation – Consumer demand or due to imported commodities
    • Dollar strengthens when investors expect higher rates
    • 10 year treasury yield is proportional to inflation
  • Heat causes low productivity, does that mean India has low productivity due to heat ?