Idea Almanac

“We were trained from day one to focus on addressing the client’s real challenges with data and clear, objective thinking, not just telling them what they wanted to hear. We revealed uncomfortable truths and would then sit down with company leadership, go through our analysis, and figure out a path forward. I felt this process had an intellectual honesty that sidelined politics, although, of course, there was plenty of corporate politics to wade through, too. The consulting business really suited me. I loved zooming in, digging deep into a business, learning growth and profit levers, then zooming out to determine how best to reposition a business or a company. Every project felt very personal, and I was busy all the time. I don’t sleep much, and I easily put in the long hours needed when I was wrapped up in the analysis.”

Excerpt From: Indra Nooyi. “My Life in Full.”

Book Review

This book is about Google, who are those people, how they work, and how they run Google written by their former CEO Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg

Book Review

In the ongoing COVID crisis, which leaders you should follow for guidance ? Jeff Immelt is one of those leaders who steered GE through 9/11 terrorist attacks and 16 years after that.

Book Review

This is book is about people who are not intimidated by obstacles. They give everything they have, mentally and physically, and even though they may or may not have overcome the obstacle in they way they intended, each individual emerged better and stronger

Book Review

“The Fifth Discipline” by Peter M. Senge offers an insightful exploration into creating learning organizations through systems thinking, revealing how interconnected and holistic approaches can transform organizational learning and address inherent learning disabilities.