Book Review

“The Untethered Soul” explores consciousness, self-awareness, and spirituality, guiding readers toward inner peace through self-discovery and emotional freedom.

Book Review

The book has all the secrets of life and spirituality which you were looking for. Think and grow rich, power of thought, mind control, manifestation, Kriya Yoga and so on

Book Review

Have you ever wondered what it looks like to someone who is not bound by Time and Space ? Do you have free will ? Lord Hanumana is immortal ? All these questions get answered in these 2 books

Idea Almanac

“The earliest records to my knowledge date back some 2,500 years or more. From the early great Upanishads the recognition ATHMAN = BRAHMAN (the personal self equals the omnipresent, all-comprehending eternal self) was in Indian thought considered, far from being blasphemous, to represent the quintessence of deepest insight into the happenings of the world. The striving of all the scholars of Vedanta was, after having learnt to pronounce with their lips, really to assimilate in their minds this grandest of all thoughts. Again, the mystics of many centuries, independently, yet in perfect harmony with each other (somewhat like the particles in an ideal gas) have described, each of them, the unique experience of his or her life in terms that can be condensed in the phrase: DEUS FACTUS SUM (I have become God).”

Excerpt From: Erwin Schroedinger. “What is Life?.”

Book Review

Power vs. Force represents only a beginning exploration of the method’s potential to enhance our knowledge in all of the arts and sciences. Perhaps most important is its promise as an aid in spiritual growth and maturation to the most advanced levels of consciousness, even enlightenment itself.

Idea Almanac

“When you think you’ve died, you haven’t actually died. Death is a two-stage process, and where you wake up after your last breath is something of a Purgatory: you don’t feel dead, you don’t look dead, and in fact you are not dead. Yet.
Perhaps you thought the afterlife would be something like a soft white light, or a glistening ocean, or floating in music. But the afterlife more closely resembles the feeling of standing up too quickly: for a confused moment, you forget who you are, where you are, all the personal details of your life. And it only gets stranger from here.”

Excerpt From: David Eagleman. “Sum.”