Idea Almanac

“It’s clear that workers want flexibility, especially schedule flexibility, but that alone isn’t enough to convince some leaders to make what can (and should) be a substantial structural and cultural shift. The most convincing reason is the rewards. Mounting evidence shows that flexible work enables organizations to do three key things that are critical across industries:

1) Win the Battle for Talent

2) Engage Employees

3) Build Better Results

Excerpt From: Brian Elliott. “How the Future Works.”

Idea Almanac

“The pandemic created an opportunity to rethink work in terms of both place and time, and in doing so created a whole host of opportunities and challenges: What is the optimal level of flexibility around where and when people do their jobs? Should you move towards being more virtual, as the team at Artemis Connection have done, or bring everyone into the office, as Goldman Sachs is doing, or, like CPP Investments, build a whole portfolio of flexible working practices around place? As you look around you can see that some leaders are reimagining work happening ‘anywhere’, others are asking employees to return to central office spaces, some are accommodating flexible time commitments, others are requiring staff to be available at core times such as nine to five.”

Excerpt From: Lynda Gratton. “Redesigning Work.”

Idea Almanac

“No doubt you can recall a time when you were perplexed by a remote colleague’s behavior. Are they not answering your email because they are busy? Uninterested? Both? Maybe they didn’t get your email? When we are not collocated with our collaborators, we make up our own accounts for their behavior and infer what their motives might be. We engage in this kind of behavior because the digital tools that make our physical separation possible lead to what Catherine Cramton, Professor Emerita of Management at George Mason University who has spent her career studying digitally enabled collaboration, calls the “mutual knowledge problem.” Mutual knowledge is the information that we need to achieve mutual understanding. It is the common ground that people need to reach. Perhaps your colleague has not answered your email because they have taken the day off. Or perhaps they had to attend to a pressing project or your email landed in their spam folder. ”

Excerpt From: Paul Leonardi. “The Digital Mindset.”